Nadine Macapagal’s
Portfolio Website

  1. Mother Tongue
  2. Too Much Information
  3. I Am Still Here
  4. Anatomy of a Walk
  5. Reflective Surfaces
  6. Brown Political Review 
  7. EQ Offices and Northpark
  8. I Did It My Way
  9. Visual Pioneers
  10. Garden   

𓇗꩜ Nadine is currently pursuing a BFA in Graphic Design at the Rhode Island School of Design. Through her design practice, she uses her passion for archival work and identity exploration to weave narratives and stories. 𓇗꩜

(More information)
Visual Pioneers: April Greiman and Rebeca Méndez

Date: Fall 2023
Materials: Inkjet printer, Fabriano Tiziano Paper
Collection: Publication, Editorial Design

An accordian style booklet that explores the lives of Rebeca Méndez and April Greiman and how they intertwined their stories with significant historical moments in the rich history of women's contributions to art and design.